Lower Back Pain Archives - Kentuckiana Pain Specialists

Lower Back Pain

Sciatica Pain Management and Pain Relief at Kentuckiana Pain Specialists
Chronic Back Pain

Sciatica Pain Management and Pain Relief

An estimated 4 out of every 10 people will experience sciatica pain at least once in their life. A mild case of sciatic pain can feel uncomfortable. When the symptoms

Sciatica Nerve Treatments at Pain Clinics
Chronic Back Pain

Sciatica Nerve Treatments at Pain Clinics

Sciatic pain, or sciatica, not only affects your lower back – but can result in radiating symptoms that move down the legs. If you have back pain and notice that

Lower Back Pain? How Can a Pain Clinic Help
Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain? How Can a Pain Clinic Help

Almost 65 million people in the United States report experiencing a recent back pain episode, with around 16 million Americans experiencing chronic or persistent back pain issues. Not only does

Back Pain Relief - How to Get Help
Chronic Back Pain

Back Pain Relief – How to Get Help

You don’t realize how important your back is for daily function until you start experiencing chronic pain. As you are trying to get through the day, the pain makes it

Office Ergonomics & Back Pain
Chronic Back Pain

Office Ergonomics & Back Pain

How much time do you spend sitting at the computer each day? Our digital world provides many opportunities for computer careers, with millions of people working from home or in

When Back Pain Becomes Unbearable
Chronic Back Pain

When Lower Back Pain Becomes Unbearable

Lower back pain is something that many people have learned to live with over the years. If you are in an accident or have an old injury, then it’s possible