Can Pain Management Treat Fibromyalgia? - Kentuckiana Pain Specialists

Can Pain Management Treat Fibromyalgia?

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It’s common for patients to lose hope when they receive a fibromyalgia diagnosis. You probably have a mix of emotions: relief to finally know the root of your health problems but concerns about managing this condition going forward.

The good news is that pain management doctors are available to help with symptom management. Even though there isn’t a cure for fibromyalgia, there are options to help you overcome the intense pain and live your best life possible.

Fibromyalgia Symptoms: What You Need to Know

The specific symptoms of fibromyalgia can vary from patient to patient. But these symptoms can also be related to other health conditions (such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or multiple sclerosis), which is why a fibromyalgia diagnosis can be challenging.

Here is an overview of the most common symptoms people experience when they have fibromyalgia:

  • General achiness and discomfort
  • Fatigue throughout the day
  • Difficulty concentrating, known as fibro fog
  • Headaches
  • Muscle pain
  • Sleep problems

Patients with fibromyalgia have widespread pain throughout the musculoskeletal system. This pain might come and go. Or, it can be an ongoing experience – no matter the time of day.

Fibromyalgia can happen unexpectedly, without a trigger. Or, there might be a specific thing that triggers chronic pain from this condition, such as stress, an infection, surgery, or an accident.

There were specific processes to test trigger points throughout the body in the past. Now, medical experts look at the bigger picture. For example, fibromyalgia is one diagnosis to consider when the generalized pain has been occurring for three months or more.

Fibromyalgia: Getting a Diagnosis

Often, patients experience fibromyalgia symptoms for months or even years before being able to find an accurate diagnosis.

Patients go through similar experiences where they visit doctor after doctor without feeling like they are ever getting close to a diagnosis or treatment plan. Know that you are not alone in this journey. Once you find the right healthcare provider, there is hope that you can feel better and enjoy your life once again.

One of the reasons fibromyalgia is challenging to diagnose and treat is that there is a lot of misunderstanding and confusion about this health condition. Researchers are still trying to understand the causes of fibromyalgia. When the underlying causes can be identified, it might be possible to find better solutions to treat this condition.

Part of the process to diagnose fibromyalgia is to rule out other conditions that could be causing these symptoms. Your doctor might use testing and diagnostic methods such as:

  • Complete blood count
  • Antinuclear antibody
  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
  • Rheumatoid factor
  • Cyclic citrullinated peptide test
  • Thyroid function tests
  • Vitamin D
  • Celiac serology

Even though we don’t know how to cure fibromyalgia or reverse the disease, you can benefit by working with a pain management doctor who can help you manage or reduce the pain.

Pain Management Doctors for Fibromyalgia

Pain management specialists treat all types of pain, including the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia. If you are seeking pain relief for fibromyalgia, then make sure to ask the clinic about their specialty before coming in for the appointment.

Our team at Kentuckiana Pain Specialists has solutions to help fibromyalgia patients. We encourage you to schedule a consultation so you can learn more about available treatment options.

It is thought that fibromyalgia symptoms occur because of the way the body processes pain signals. People with fibromyalgia feel pain differently because of repeated nerve signaling that can amplify the pain experience. So, pain specialists work to manage these signals and help you find relief.

How a Pain Management Doctor Can Help with Fibromyalgia

Pain management doctors have specialized training in the complex nature of pain, including various methods that can be used to reduce the pain and minimize recurrences in the future.

While a primary care physician has general knowledge about the overall medical industry, a pain management specialist addresses a focused area of services. Therefore, it’s important to use a multi-disciplinary approach when treating fibromyalgia, mainly because this condition affects people physically and mentally.

Not only do pain management doctors look at medical interventions that can help to reduce the pain. But it’s also a priority to evaluate how the patient’s lifestyle factors are involved. Treatments might include:

  • Pain Medications: A short-term solution for immediate relief. Most patients use over-the-counter products such as acetaminophen or naproxen sodium. It’s not common to use prescription medications on an ongoing basis.
  • Prescriptions: Muscle relaxants, sleep medications, anti-seizure drugs, and/or antidepressants may help to ease the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.
  • Physical Therapy: Certain exercises can improve flexibility and stability in the body, making it easier to manage fibromyalgia pain. Patients often benefit from low-impact exercises, such as water activities or yoga.
  • Occupational Therapy: Adjustments in daily activities that can reduce the stress loads on the body. The goal is to help patients maintain independence and continue with tasks at home and work.
  • Stress Management: Emotional stress plays a role in chronic pain. Patients with fibromyalgia can benefit from things such as medication or deep breathing to reduce stress levels.
  • Massage Therapy: Manipulating the muscles in the body is a beneficial way to improve the range of motion and relax the painful areas. Additionally, massage decreases stress and tension.
  • Nerve Blocks or Injections: If the pain is intense in certain parts of the body, then nerve blocks or localized injections offer an option for relief.
  • Other Treatments: Other pain management treatments can be helpful, such as radiofrequency, acupuncture, and more.

Schedule a Pain Management Appointment

Our team at Kentuckiana Pain Specialists is here to help you live a thriving life after a fibromyalgia diagnosis. Our clinic offers a comprehensive pain management approach, including alternative treatment options designed to address immediate pain and long-term needs.

We are located in the Louisville, Kentucky area and work with patients in all of the surrounding communities. If you are looking for solutions to address fibromyalgia pain, contact us to schedule a consultation. You are welcome to call our office at (502) 995-4004.