Kentuckiana Pain Specialists

Comprehensive Pain Management

What Are the Top Causes of Chronic Pain?

What Are the Top Causes of Chronic Pain?

How much is chronic pain affecting your life? People with chronic pain often find that it affects everything they do: home activities, hobbies, work, family, and more. Specific ailments and injuries can cause acute pain, but this pain typically goes away when you heal from the injury or illness. On the other hand, chronic pain

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When Should You Refer to A Pain Specialist?

When Should You Refer to A Pain Specialist?

A car accident, autoimmune condition, back injury, or sports injury are a few examples of why people experience chronic pain. Typically, an acute injury will happen, and the intense pain subsides as you recover from the injury. But there are times when the pain lingers, resulting in ongoing discomfort that can interfere with every aspect

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Is Pain Management and Pain Medicine the Same?

Is Pain Management and Pain Medicine the Same?

Physical pain isn’t only uncomfortable and inconvenient but can also take a toll on your ability to manage many activities throughout the day. If you are living with chronic pain, you are likely searching for answers: how can you alleviate the pain right now and in the future? The treatment approach for pain management varies,

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Pain Management

Pain Categories, Causes, and Treatment Paths

When pain is disrupting your daily activities, then it’s a good sign that you might benefit by visiting a pain management specialist. Chronic pain is not only uncomfortable, but debilitating conditions can make it hard to manage things at home and work. Knowing the right treatment plan can be difficult, especially when general doctors have

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What Happens When Your Doctor Refers You to Pain Management?

What Happens When Your Doctor Refers You to Pain Management?

A primary care doctor is an excellent resource for ongoing medical support. In addition, it is wise for a family to partner with a primary care provider for general medical services, such as annual checkups, illnesses, and more. But there are times when health conditions go beyond the generalized support you can receive from a

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