Can a Pain Specialist Help with Joint Pain? - Kentuckiana Pain Specialists

Can a Pain Specialist Help with Joint Pain?

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If you are suffering from joint pain, then you know that these symptoms seem to take over your life. Every movement can be painful, making it challenging to complete even the simplest tasks throughout the day.

Whether you have been living with joint pain for years or are trying to understand how to manage a new diagnosis, it’s essential to have the right support.

Our team of pain management experts at Kentuckiana Pain Specialists understands what you are experiencing. We provide full-service solutions to not only help you feel better as soon as possible – but you can also implement solutions to deliver the long-term results you deserve.

Proactive Approach When Living with Joint Pain

Typically, joint pain is a symptom of an underlying health condition. For example, you might have chronic joint pain if you live with arthritis or an old injury that affects the joint.

For many patients, the symptoms flare up at times, causing the pain to intensify. You might be able to manage the pain for a while, then find that the symptoms get worse and start interfering with home and work responsibilities.

Now that you know that joint pain is part of your life, the best thing you can do is take a proactive approach to manage the flare-ups and prevent more significant issues in the future. Small steps right now can have an undeniable impact to help you feel better down the road.

Do You Need to Visit a Pain Specialist for Joint Pain?

One misconception is that treatment should be delayed until the pain is so severe that you can no longer manage it on your own. But instead of waiting for the symptoms to worsen, there is a better solution: talk to a pain specialist immediately.

Our team is here to help with all types of pain management. The goal is to help you live your best life possible!

When should patients seek pain management services? The most common approach is to start looking for specialized help when at-home remedies are no longer working. In the beginning, over-the-counter medications and hot or cold packs can be helpful for symptom management.

But as the condition progresses, these home remedies are no longer enough. As joint pain advances, you need more than conservative solutions to help you feel better – which is why it makes sense to call a pain management team.

The truth is that you don’t need to wait until the symptoms are severe before calling for pain management support. Instead, take a proactive approach right now so you can stop the pain from progressing.

Signs You Will Benefit from Pain Management Services

There are a few definite signs that you will benefit from talking to a pain specialist. If you can relate to one or more of these signs, schedule a consultation immediately.

Symptoms Aren’t Going Away

How long have you been experiencing these symptoms? If the pain is persistent, then it could warrant a trip to talk to a pain specialist.

Most basic injuries will start feeling better within a week or two. But chronic conditions can drag on for months or even years.

The good news is that a pain management clinic can help with short-term pain relief, such as managing post-injury or surgery pain. Additionally, our team offers solutions for chronic, long-lasting pain as well.

Other Treatments Aren’t Working

If you have been using conservative treatments and find they are no longer working, consider how you might benefit by talking to a pain specialist about your condition.

For example, in the early stages, you might be able to manage joint pain at home. But as the symptoms worsen and progress, the basic treatments are no longer effective. At this point, it’s essential to seek professional services so you can have a thorough assessment and find the ideal treatments for your unique needs.

Symptoms Are Irregular

When you have been living with joint pain for a while, you probably experience pain that you know well. Not only is there a baseline of pain that never goes away, but there are moments when the pain intensifies.

For example, you might notice that your joints flare after working out or first thing in the morning. Then, the pain starts to fade base to baseline after the flare subsides.

Since these symptoms are common, you probably know how to manage them. But there might be times when you find symptoms that are unusual – such as a hot joint or higher-than-normal severity.

When the pain intensifies this way, it could be a red flag that you need additional support. The best thing you can do is visit a pain management clinic without delay to get to the root of the problem and find solutions to reduce or alleviate the pain.

Co-Existing Conditions

Another reason you might benefit from pain management services is if you are dealing with multiple chronic conditions at the same time. For example, you have been diagnosed with both lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. These co-existing conditions means that there are varying layers of complexity to designing an effective treatment plan.

It’s smart to consult with a pain specialist. Instead of only addressing the symptoms, our team looks at the bigger picture to determine the ideal treatment for your unique needs.

What to Expect When Visiting a Pain Specialist

The good news is that a visit to a pain management clinic differs from what you’ve experienced with other medical providers.

Most general practitioners don’t have the knowledge or experience to treat complex conditions such as joint pain. On the other hand, a pain specialist understands the nuances of ongoing pain management and offers treatments that you can’t access from other medical providers.

Visiting a pain specialist can bring hope because there are treatment options to manage the pain right now and get your condition under control so you can return to a thriving lifestyle once again.

We start with a thorough evaluation to understand the underlying condition contributing to your pain. Then, this information helps us identify a treatment plan that works.

It’s a multi-step process, ensuring we take the ideal approach to deliver the fastest results possible. Each patient is unique, which is why there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for every person.

Reach Out to a Local Pain Clinic Near Me

Our team at Kentuckiana Pain Specialists is always here to help. We invite you to learn more about the ways you will benefit from our comprehensive pain management support. We are located in the Louisville, Kentucky, area. You are welcome to call our office at your convenience: (502) 995-4004.