Back Pain Relief - How to Get Help - Kentuckiana Pain Specialists

Back Pain Relief – How to Get Help

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You don’t realize how important your back is for daily function until you start experiencing chronic pain. As you are trying to get through the day, the pain makes it challenging to manage simple tasks like washing the dishes or sitting at a desk for work.

Whether you have an acute back injury or you’ve been living with chronic back pain for years, rest assured knowing that there are treatment options to help.

You might feel like back pain is something that you must live with for the remainder of your life. But there are pain management solutions that can reduce the symptoms and help you return to a normal way of living once again.

Back Pain: General Doctor vs. Pain Specialist

Most patients have a primary care provider: a doctor who offers long-term medical support for general healthcare needs, such as wellness checks and illnesses.

When something comes up, and you need to talk to a doctor, your primary care provider is typically the first doctor you call. Often, general health concerns can be addressed by a PCP. However, when your symptoms or diagnosis go beyond the generalist’s ability to help, then they may refer you to talk to a specialist.

Primary care providers have limited options for treating back pain. First, they might prescribe medication, such as pain killers or muscle relaxants. These pills provide temporary relief, but the pain always returns when the drug wears off.

Another option is for your primary care doctor to refer you to a specialist, such as an orthopedic doctor or physical therapist. Some patients can find relief from these types of services.

But there are times when people with back pain visit multiple doctors and medical providers, only to be stuck with no answers and ongoing pain. In this situation, it’s time to schedule a consultation with a pain specialist so you can find the treatment solutions that you need.

Direct Services from a Pain Management Team

One option for back pain relief is to work through your primary care provider for a referral or recommendation. Many people follow this path, but it can take time and be a hassle to meet with multiple providers.

An alternative option is to go to a pain management specialist directly. You have been living with pain long enough – now it’s time to meet with a team that can provide the fast, effective results that you deserve.

Our pain management team offers unique skills and expertise that you can’t find in a general medical clinic. We work with pain treatments all day long! Additionally, our doctors and staff members have specialized training and education focusing on pain management specifically.

We can assist with everything from chronic back pain to fibromyalgia, autoimmune conditions, chronic migraines, and more.

Instead of feeling the frustration of never finding the answers you need, schedule a consultation with a team that understands the challenges you face while dealing with chronic pain.

Lower Back Pain: Acute or Chronic?

One of the most common types of back pain affects the lower/lumbar area of the back. However, it’s also possible for people to have pain in the upper back and shoulders, and our pain management specialists can help with both types of pain.

How did you hurt your lower back? You might have sprained it while working on outdoor spring-cleaning tasks, or it could be a flare-up from an old sports injury. Regardless of the cause of this pain, you are desperate to find relief.

Acute lower back pain typically happens after some type of strain or accident. For example, you might feel an immediate pain sensation after lifting a heavy item or sustaining an injury in a car accident. With acute back pain, the symptoms typically subside with time.

On the other hand, chronic back pain is ongoing and never seems to go away. For example, you might have pain throughout the day. Or, some people with chronic back pain have regular flareups, with periods of time in between when their back pain is less.

Whether the pain is sudden or has been around for years, you should get it checked out by a specialist.

Can You Treat Chronic Back Pain at Home?

Lifestyle changes are essential to help you find relief from chronic back pain. Not only will the pain management doctor offer treatment options, but a good specialist will also discuss how lifestyle factors are aggravating your pain.

Here are a few recommendations to try if you are experiencing mild or moderate back pain:

  • Don’t Stop Moving: When your back hurts, you might feel tempted to spend most of your time lying in bed or sitting on the couch. But the best thing that you can do is keep moving, even when you are in pain. Use low-intensity movement like walking or yoga to prevent a weakening of the muscles around the spine.
  • Daily Stretching: Spending 10 – 20 minutes a day stretching your back and surrounding muscles can be a game-changer for people living with chronic back pain. Dedicate time first thing in the morning to follow the stretching routines you learn from a physical therapist or pain management doctor.
  • Consider Ergonomics and Posture: What is your body positioning when sitting and standing throughout the day? Regardless of your daily activities, make sure you maintain good ergonomics to keep a neutral spine position.
  • Focus on Healthy Habits: Obesity is a factor that can contribute to back pain, which is why many doctors suggest a diet and exercise plan to promote weight loss. Additionally, consider other inflammation-causing habits you need to stop, such as smoking.
  • Apply Heat and Ice: When the back pain is flaring, you can use ice or heat packs to help with pain relief. Ice helps to reduce inflammation and swelling. On the other hand, heat is a great way to boost circulation and soothe sore muscles.

When these at-home remedies aren’t enough to control your back pain, then it’s a sign that you need to talk to a pain management specialist. These pain treatments are especially important if you are experiencing a dependence on over-the-counter or prescription pain medications to get through the day.

Back Pain Relief is Possible

You don’t have to suffer through the day, living with chronic back pain for the rest of your life. If you are tired of the ongoing pain, then it’s time to call us at Kentuckiana Pain Specialists.

Our team offers comprehensive pain management solutions, leveraging modern medicine with alternative treatments. If you are near Louisville, Kentucky, call our office at (502) 995-4004.